Bryan Paul Sullo

Posts Tagged ‘social networking’

Why I’m Excited About tsū

In Social Media on 14 December 2014 at 8:34 am

How do you steal a billion users from Facebook? Pay them.

I like Facebook, and plenty of other people do, but by the level of complaining folks do about the social network you’d think it was the worst app ever.
The problem stems from the fact that Facebook has little viable competition—and that’s not likely to change without drastic action. They’ve pretty much perfected social networking, and any rival is going to do the same sorts of things: post, like, comment, share. If everyone I know is on Facebook, why do I need another social account to keep track of? (Google+ tried to do it by making everyone with a Google account a de-facto member of G+, and recently, tried to position themselves as the morally-superior alternative, but FB still reigns supreme.)

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